
Vloomp: Add Loom Videos to your WP Dashboard

You already use Loom to create help videos for your WordPress clients. Why not create a permanent video library inside your WordPress dashboard to catalog those videos forever?

Let’s face it: No one saves or remembers email. So when you take the time to record and email that perfect video walkthrough, it’s viewed once or twice at the most. Then, a few weeks later, you find yourself explaining the exact same issue that the video was supposed to put to bed.

With Vloomp, you can save your Loom videos where your clients can always find them: inside the WordPress dashboard. Even better, you don’t have to change the way you make videos. Simply copy and paste the URL to each Loom video inside the Vloomp plugin settings. Only the videos you add will be visible to your clients. Vloomp is perfect for freelancers who use a single Loom account to create videos for multiple clients.

Field Sync for Gravity Forms

Automate data synchronization across multiple forms. Keep entries consistent, save time, and eliminate manual updates.

Field Sync solves a common challenge: keeping information consistent across multiple forms and entries. Imagine you have a customer’s contact details spread across several forms – maybe a registration form, a support ticket form, and a newsletter signup. Normally, if the customer updates their information in one form, you’d have to manually update the others. That’s where Field Sync comes in. It automatically syncs data between different Gravity Forms entries, ensuring that when information changes in one place, it updates everywhere else too.

Global Search for Gravity Forms

Search all fields, notes, forms, and entries within Gravity Forms from a single field.

By default, Gravity Forms allows you to search only one form at a time. And entry notes aren’t included. If you have multiple forms and a lot of entries, finding a particular customer email or lead name can take a minute.

Unless you have Global Search for Gravity Forms.